Re-Legion: Holy Wars Update is out now!
#Re-legion \ 14-06-2019
It’s finally here!
We worked hard to bring you Skirmish that would be fun and challenging and we can finally share with you the results.
Holy Wars Skirmish Mode
It consists of 3 maps, several AI strategies ranging from Defensive to Conquer and 4 difficulty settings (from Easy to Nightmare) for more challenging or more laid back playthrough experience.
Holy Wars brings a real game changer (literally) in a form of Slow-Mo. You are now able to slow down time and react to every threat in a more calm and strategic manner than before.
This update includes many fixes and updates like: improved AI, improved pathfinding, better mini-map, better alerting system and more!
Holy Wars Explanation Video
We prepared a video explaining all the new features and changes that we made. Take a look!
And that’s all for now! You’ll find a detailed changelog below. Thanks for your continued support!